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"Vegas Beyond the Strip" Channel

A Streaming Platform for Las Vegas Entertainment

In 2020, amidst an evolving entertainment landscape, RainMaker Productions launched an ambitious project: a broadcast-quality TV recording studio and the streaming TV channel Vegas Beyond the Strip. Initially created to record and preserve the classic music of Las Vegas, the channel began its journey on ROKU, swiftly expanding its reach to Apple and Google Apps. This expansion facilitated partnerships with two major networks, significantly broadening our audience, Binge.TV (making our content accessible in over 200 countries worldwide) and The Vegas Television Network (offering a mix of broadcast and streaming TV shows, beginning Spring 2024).

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Your journey from concept to broadcast is just a call away.

Reach out to us at 1-702-556-9684 to discuss your project, pitch your show, or learn more about our commercial production services. At Vegas Beyond the Strip, we're excited to explore new frontiers of entertainment with you.

Be the Star of Your Own Show!

Have you ever dreamed of starring in your own show or do you have a creative concept that the world needs to see? RainMaker Studios is equipped and ready to turn your vision into reality. Our professional studio and expansive Streaming TV Channel offer the perfect stage for worldwide exposure. Maybe you're passionate about reviewing culinary delights on a show titled "The Taste of Las Vegas, Beyond the Strip," or exploring the world of sports with "Live from Vegas: The Sports Capital of the World." Or maybe you and your bandmates just want to get your music out to a MUCH wider audience. Whatever the case, we're here to bring YOUR ideas to the screen.

Computer screen showing 4 possible streaming TV shows from Vegas Beyond the Strip website
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